Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sweet'n Low Vs. Sugar


Isako starts the show and welcomed as usual. These boards always presents us with Badboy, The Flea and Angelnaut. The three talk about how good it is now that the King Axel has been fired. But commenting remaining henchmen, as Lion Mask. Ace of Spades out instantly, mocks some of them, when they said they do not mind losing if you fight with honor, so today I program three combat.

Isako said this happens to announce the first bout of the evening.

1 .- Big Bang vs Great Captain Barracuda Stinger

rookie, when it will be recorded by the referee, play with the recording and sending him to fight, making Big Bang Stinger rushes on the referee. The referee brings order and begin the real fight. BBS is a pirate larger than the rookie and quickly checked when it drops to the ground twice consecutively taking it towards the lock up. A third rookie learns and puts her back. Both key slightly until GCB slips between his legs and knocked to the ground giving a flip. Quick Account in which the pirate flies, literally. Both rise and the fight continues with a dominant BBS. Try a splash, but misses and the pirate it in order to put in a Half Crab, which makes him suffer until it touches the strings. Both rise and the fight continues with a dominant BBS with blows, even trying to catch a chair, but referee snatches it, firing it takes to attack Barracuda BBS and bring it to the corner to apply a Spear. The second is stopped by the giant blue and white and eats a huge clothesline. BBS out of the ring and pulls over the strings to make up GCB Springboard, which is ironing. BBS him up and tries to make a Samoan Drop, but the pirate escapes and Germain Suplex followed by a Texas Cloverleaf, which does not pay to Stinger. Both Levent and Samoan Drop Big Bang Stinger. Account 3.

2 .- Raider vs Ronin Angelnaut MATCH STREET FIGHTER

Ronin As he usually does, throws up a challenge for its control freak. The opponent is Angelnaut giant, who seems hardened by such things. The rules are simple, can only be used Street Fighter game moves shouting his name. For the pin also must be said. Overall it was a contest in which people are amused enough. There were movements of almost every character in this mythical game. Both Raider Ronin Hadoukens as Tortilla Press, by Angelnaut. The end came when he applied the famous Angelnaut combo Zangief Ronin, the Atomic Buster, Backbreaker combo, German suplex and powerbomb.

We're going to break and made the delivery of the show poster signed by all the fighters in the show.

3 .- Chuck vs The Flea Morbid

Sale Ace of Spades to tell everyone that the SWA is within the UEWA and has the right to compete for the title of the company, to be held in Oslo. So the shows will start a sort of qualifying rounds to determine who will go there to represent SWA. The match starts normally, but Chuck soon began to cheat, as usual. There are several points to note, one of them is a Lionsault that shocked the public by the perfect execution of Pulga, but nevertheless failed to give him the victory. In addition Chuck showed his famous submission times Manga Room, The Moto, who also held in an attempt to win. A rather shocking moment was when Chuck got to dodge a thumb movement and a kind of reversed Gutbuster was the chest. Later Chuck tries to make its already Banana Driver, but Flea gets transformed into a sunset flip that does not make you a winner. The end came when, lying on the ground chuck, Flea runs that seem to be his new finisher, the Shooting Star Press.

So we have to first qualified for the tournament who will represent SWA in Oslo.

We have the next match, but leaves the Ace of Spades to intrude on Bad Boy, one more time. He says that he will take care of that tonight will not win. That this takes off his shirt and dress pants to show his fighter.

4 .- Bad Boy vs Judas & Ace of Spades Archeron
was an intense battle where he was undergoing a Bad Boy for the win. Harassment of its rivals was constant, almost did not know where it came the shock. The fight begins with Bad Boy and Judas Archeron in the ring, so much. Judas makes several clotheslines on Bad Boy and then the battle moves to the corner where Bad Boy elusive. Judas receives a armdrag which ends in a submission arm. Although Judas and strangles get rid Bad Boy. Judas leads to the corner and there rival Ace of Spades is the freedom to relieve Judas. As Bad Boy punished with beatings and hard keys and rarely gets rid face. Ace of Spades Bad Boy got put in a leg submission that people liked, but got rid Bad Boy. To move more combat, including submissions of As and a respite from Bad Boy, Judas begins to distract the referee or withhold, as Ace of Spades, which retains the referee while Judas hit hardest the poor rival. In one of the relay, Judas Bad Boy gets to do a kind of Angel's Wings finish Powerbomb, with which the team of Ace of Spades Judas takes the victory.

As takes the mic and said that from now on, Judas Archeron will be his assistant and bodyguard, all the while trampling on Judas is Bad Boy, can not more.


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