Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Face Turned Red Like A Sunburn


The rookies came out, while Maryse talking points, Titus announced that O'Neill was the leader with five points. We performed a challenge that ended up winning Talk Darren Young.

1. Titus O'Neill (w / Hornswoggle) defeated Darren Young (w / Chavo Guerrero)

Backstage, Yoshi Tatsu Lucky told Cannon that he should be more respectful of Maryse. Maryse apologized for slapping her last week, but she ended up hitting again. Yoshi laughed and she asked if he was laughing at her and then slapped him. Cannon, Yoshi laughed and slapped him and left.

Before the bell sounded, Matt Striker came out and said the next match was now a dance competition.

2. Vladimir Kozlov & Conor O'Brien defeated JTG & Jacob Novak in a dance off.

3. Lucky Cannon (w / Tyson Kidd) defeated Byron Saxton (w / Yoshi Tatsu) to end the show.


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