Thursday, March 17, 2011

What's The Difference Between Celebrex And Mobic

alone with the stars ... Mark Tacher

In this section, we will try to approach the human side, unknown actors and actresses in soap operas. This week's turn to Mark Tacher, a Colombian actor in recent years has gained a very important gap in the world of melodramas thanks to his performances in soap operas like "La hija del mariachi" or "To love again. " We invite you to know some details of his life not as well known ... Here we go ...!!

know him mostly for his work as actor, but the star of "protected" is also a model, presenter and musician. Can play the bass, guitar and piano and also would love to study drums and percussion. Can she ask for more?

recognizes that he is a perfectionist all to no avail. "Until I get things perfect, do not stop. Just do not force myself to others to be so strict." So much so that it reaches its perfection shirts in your closet and sorted by color pants. Can you see him?

speaks four languages, including Hebrew, because his family is Jewish. Come on, you could do telenovelas in several different places in the world.

I like classical music, so listen to classics such as Beethoven, Mozart and Tchaikovsky. But also like modern music like rock and heavy metal.

consider a romantic as he could, so the woman sitting next to them will be very lucky. "The knights and romance are essential in this world. The person who is I can abuse me in every way. " You know girls!

Finally ... among the objectives are to film and theater in Spain and Argentina, won an Oscar, start a family .. . "But I do not get dates." goodness.


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